Closed museum
So much has happened this year already. Not all good but it was valid for me to grow up and realize that I am stronger than I thought I was. In face of that, I've challenged myself to start doing things that I am not used, like going to the museum alone in the middle of the week. Unfortunately, I chose the wrong day to do it because the museums were closed due to an art event, Bienal do Mercosul.
Ok, I'll try next week. As I already was out of home, I decided to go to one of my favorite coffeeshops. There is plants everywhere and there's this little table by the door that you can see the park across the street and feel the sun in your skin ♡ It was a great afternoon and helped me to focus on my drawings and to rest my mind.
Hope you have a nice week (end) and remember to smile :)
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